Exposed To The Generation Lost, or What Is Served At A Duisburg-Based Cafe

von Michael Goldstein

I consider myself fully entitled to judge those managing the Faith Generation trademark. Not so much for the reason that the profits raised by manipulating our totally disorientated Russian Germans seem to pay off quite well. Maybe it does not sound politically correct, but this flock had better be controlled by this kind pastors than keep the German police busy maintaining order somewhere in Düsseldorf-Reisholz.

My emergence at this magic sect should be attributed mainly to having nothing to do on Sundays. Although by the time the invitation to attend this Avoda Zara session had followed, I already developed something of an easy-to-justify (in terms of Torah ) prejudice towards performances of the kind and cherished no special illusions as to what kind of entertainment awaited me there. Frankly speaking, the only thing I wanted to do was just while the Sunday away and meet the acquaintances I had not seen for a long time.

(To explain away the circumstances surrounding the invitation to the FaithGeneration, let me say that those who had invited us texted to me that they could not go for some mysterious reason, and me and my friends simply decided not to cancel our encounter and make use of the seductive proposal:-))) Because if it were later, not in the morning, when our encounter was arranged, we sure would go somewhere else )

When we arrived at our destination and entered the building, the first persons to meet us were the red-coated security personnel to whom we showed the invitations to the youth cafe run by the sect and they lead us to our seats.
What leapt to my eye before the Avoda Zara session got underway was that the aggressive sale of various cult-related items like American spam-type protestant literature and films was underway and there were persons kind of assigned to supervise, and responsible for, each sales segment...

The very Avoda Zara session, i.e. the sermon and what was preached about, left no special traces in my memory, because the content simply tended to sound delirious to the Jewish ears - and mind more or less aware of the fundamentals. What impressed, however, was that everything - not to the benefit of this gathering - seemed commercialised (especially when the security guys in red began to pass across the seats the money box, which was eventually "blessed" etc) and intended for someone with low IQ.

When the sermon came to an end, we were taken by car to the cafe owned by this sect,which is located in another district of Duisburg...
There we gave away our invitations to the cafe and were served a rather tasty home-made meals. And afterwards we had to face and deal with what this seemingly free-of-charge mousetrap was intended for; we were approached by the frequenters of the sect who tried to strike acquaintance and lure us into this Jewishly inacceptable week-to-week "entertainment" with "we-were-so-unhappy-and - now - our-life-has-changed" standard missionary sweet-talk. All the stuff was simply smiled off, kindly but consistently.

One more remark: after the sermon its author, Pastor Alexander Epp, came up to us to find out who the new-comers are. We told him that we were Jewish, that we attended another Jewish sect run by his comrade-in-arms to spare extra questions. He impressed me as a cynical businessperson knowing what is what...He seemed to regard us as another group of brainwashable jerks he may potentially profit from...

To sum it up: the Jews have nothing to do at the gatherings of the kind and are strongly advised to decline the invitations to be exposed to this Tuma.

The matter is, we dispose of the Great Hashem-given Heritage and ought - under no circumstances whatsoever - to sell it away for a mess of pottage offered by the business-minded persons like the pastor managing the sect Faith GenerationTM

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